Thursday, September 01, 2005

If Stupidity Were A Crime....

Our preznit would get life in prison.

This morning, about 7:05 am Eastern time, George Bush was interviewed by Diane Sawyers on ABC's Good Morning America. This is what he said:

"I don't think anyone anticipated the breach of the levees."

[Emphasis mine]

Gee, a Cat5 hurricaine is bearing down on a city below sea level, the only thing holding back the water is the levees, a storm surge higher than the levees was predicted days before the storm hit.....

Can this administration at least TRY to not look clueless fucktard dumb? I mean, what do we PAY these guys for?!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

dude i'm not even gonna count how many times you mispelled words in that statement...when he said anticipated he meant they hoped the levees would hold up and they were there reinforcing them AND they didn't expect a quarter of that amount of breaches in the levee unless you are a levee builder or an architect major shove it up your liberal ass!

9:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

damn computers!

9:50 PM  

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