Friday, June 10, 2005

Thanks and Praise To The Monty Python Players


The First Epistle of Paul the Apostle to the NewZealanders Focus On The Family
1. In which Paul castigateth the AntipodeansJames Dobson; 2. 3. empty showing of holiness; 4. of fornicators and abusers of mankind; 5. of poverty and tolerance; 8. exorteth them to beware of false prophets.

Dear NewZealanders Focus On The Family,
It has come to my attention from our brother Hillary, the beekeeper of Auckland, that all is not well in your community.
What is all this nonsense about certain of your number kneeling down in front of crosses? That is naughty in the extreme; you've changed the glory of an incoruptible God into an image.

I understand that the very same people collect together in churches for the purpose of worship. Who needs it? God doesn't. I've asked Him; He's fed up with it, especially psalms, they give Him a headache and cause his teeth to strike together. Don't they realise thier praise is meaningless? Why can't they concentrate on being better behaved towards one another and forget about this empty show of holiness?
He also says, though don't quote me on this, "They can stuff it up thier arses." He said that, not I. I, a mere mortal, would not have put it quite like that. I'm afraid I think too much about my earthly reputation; but I cannot help agreeing with Him.


I exhort you to:
be empathetic;
be splendid;
be aware of your own ignorance, and, as always, beware of those who claim to lead you to better self-knowledge by taking your money.
Must finish now as I have to catch the post. Lots of love. P. Kiss, kiss, kiss.


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9:13 PM  

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