Friday, April 15, 2005

An Open Letter To Rep. Melissa Bean

After the 2004 election, many democratic voters like myself took solace in the fact that, amidst the great disappointment of the presidential and congressional losses that occurred, some small feeling of victory for common-sense American values was gained by victories in races like yours.

However, your and several other Democrats have chosen to vote in favor of the Bankruptcy bill and the Estate Tax Repeal Bill. Evidently, you feel obliged to serve more lucrative interests than the average American can offer.

Maybe your constituents feel more comfortable with your voting for these bills - they must all be very well off, or else they would feel concerned about your being in favor of easing the tax burden of the super-rich while at the same time being willing to remove protections from those who suffer financial hardships.

Please feel free to remove your "non-Rich" constituents from any further offers of financial support for any of your future campaigns - I'm sure you will be rewarded plenty from the new interests you have decided to serve.


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