My Own Asinine Theory of Dinosaur Extinction
Millions of years ago, one species of dinosaur had evolved to the point of where it left the other species behind on the ability to learn and other thought processes. It became capable of tool-making, language, and intellectual thought and reasoning. This species eventually formed a civilization which was able to spread worldwide. Its superior intellect allowed it to overcome larger species using weapons. The species proceeded to occupy every corner of the planet. Unfortunately, its success in flourishing on the planet created stress on the planets ecosystem. The "smart dinosaurs" over-hunted, polluted the envirnment, and created mass-extinctions of the other species. The largest dinosaurs fell victim to the smart dinos first, then smaller species became extinct later. Within a span of 100,000 years of first becoming the first sentinent species on earth, the smart dinosaurs overstressed the earth's ecosystem to the point of collapse, resulting in their own extinction.
If we finally ruin the planet to the point of our own extinction, will there be any evidence of our existence when (if) the next species gets a turn at dominance 100-200 million years from now?
Maybe they will figure out how to be "smart" enough to not destroy the world that they depend on to survive.
If we finally ruin the planet to the point of our own extinction, will there be any evidence of our existence when (if) the next species gets a turn at dominance 100-200 million years from now?
Maybe they will figure out how to be "smart" enough to not destroy the world that they depend on to survive.