Monday, January 30, 2006

Dear Democrat Jackasses,

Dear Senators Akaka,Baucus,Bingaman,Byrd,Cantwell,Carper,Conrad,Dorgan,Inouye,Johnson, Kohl,Landrieu,Lieberman,Lincoln,Nelson,Nelson,Pryor,Rockefeller,Salazar.

An Open Letter To Them "Can't We All Just Get Along" Dems:

Obviously, you still don't know the meaning of "opposition party". But at least you'll go on record as not being a "obstructionist" . Horray for you. Hopefully the republican voters out there will be able to stomach voting for you as a "republican light" politician. Maybe the GOP won't run some ultra-right nutcase against you in the next elections. Maybe you won't be called a tax-and-spend-terrerist-loving-weak-on-defense liberul in November.

I, on the other hand, would rather vote for a real democrat.

And don't fuckin ask me for one dime either, you morons. Thanks to you, I'll be saving (hopefully) in an attempt to have enough to get by and economically survive the next 3 to 15 or so years - or how ever long it takes (if ever) for you to remember who the fuck you are supposed to be representing in that big fancy building you work in.


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