Saturday, September 13, 2008

Historical Facts Regarding The War on Terror

Number of Iraqis that hijacked the airliners on Sept. 11, 2001: 0

Number of proven links between Iraq and the Sept 11 attacks: 0

Number of proven links between Al-Qaida and Iraq relating to the Sept. 11 attacks: 0

Number of proven links showing direct Iraqi support of Al-Qaida: 0

Number of proven intelligence links showing Iraqi development and deployment of chemical, biological or nuclear weapons: 0

Number of chemical, biological or nuclear weapons used by Iraq against the Coalition invasion force in March, 2003: 0

Number of chemical, biological or nuclear weapons and or laboratories discovered by Coalition forces since the invasion: 0

White house estimates of the maximum cost of the Iraqi invasion before March, 2003: $60 billion.

As of 2008, current cost of Iraqi war: $600 billion.

Current projected final cost estimate of the Iraq war: $2 trillion

Current total US casualties from the Iraq war: 4,155 killed, 30,324 wounded

Number of civilian Iraqis killed: 150,000 to over 1 million

Amount of profit to US defense contractors: over $5 billion in sales of US advanced weaponry to Iraqi security forces.

"These are the facts of the case, and they are not in dispute."

- Captain Jack Ross: "A Few Good Men"


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