Thursday, December 16, 2004

Feel Safer Now?

Anti-missle system fails.

Sixteen minutes after the target flew from Kodiak, the interceptor at Kwajalein atoll in the western Pacific Ocean failed to take off because of an "unknown anomaly," according to a statement from the Missile Defense Agency.

The interceptor on the Kwajalein atoll is similar to the six interceptors stored in silos at Fort Greely, 100 miles southeast of Fairbanks.

The Fort Greely interceptors, which are about 54 feet long and weigh 25 tons, are not used in test launches. Rather, they will be put on alert, ready to chase an enemy missile, once the ground-based, mid-course system is declared operational.

Great. We implemented a system that is the equivalent of shooting arrows at a bumble bee to avoid getting stung.

How about this: why don't we skip spending all of our R&D on building our own missle defense system and just buy one from another country?

The Arrow Interceptor ( טיל חץ, Hebrew: "Hetz") is a theater missile defense (TMD) system; it is the first missile that was specifically designed and built to intercept and destroy ballistic missiles on a national level. It is the only anti-ballistic missile system able to intercept its targets so high in the stratosphere.

The Arrow 2 interceptor itself has a speed 2.5 km/s; as opposed to purely kinetic weapons it has its own explosive warhead allowing it to miss by 40-50 meters and still kill.

July 29, 2004 Israel and the USA carried out joint experiment in the USA, in which the Arrow was launched against a real Scud missile. The experiment was a success, as the Arrow destroyed the Scud with a direct hit.


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